Saturday, October 23, 2010

Living My Life:

I'm currently back posting on a site I started around March this year (2010):

I'm planning to do most of my updates there. And every once in a while, if there are things that inspire me, I will be posting them there.

I'm currently busy right now with writing projects, while I'm studying copywriting under John Carlton's Simple Writing System Coaching Program.

Copywriting is quite a challenge to learn since not only will you have to learn how to structure a sales letter--but more than t hat, you are required to study the mind of your prospects. Yep, the psychology of why people buy is interesting to learn.

The coaching program will end by last week of November. By then, I'll be looking for copywriting clients. =)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Online Copywriting Article

I'm a fan of NLP Copywriting, and Dr. Harlan Kilstein is the originator of this type of copywriting. Just imagine the power of his copy if he uses NLP techniques with it. There is no other online copywriter out there who is a real expert in NLP Copywriting.

There is an online copywriting article by Dr. Kilstein at copywriting category. Read it and learn why he is one of the top copywriters in this time and age.

Don't miss out to read what he has to say. You'll learn lots...

Click on the link that follows: Online Copywriting by Dr. Harlan Kilstein.

All is well...