Read directly from his site by clicking here. You will be amazed by the promise of a well-paid writing career if you follow his advices. What are you waiting for, check his site out!
You'll be awe-inspired in modules SEVEN to NINE, as Nick shows you:
+The THREE KEY REQUIREMENTS for writing a saleable article ? fail to meet any of these and your article will go straight in the editor?s ?round file? (7/1)
+How to write a query letter and outline ? and why you should always do this BEFORE EVEN WRITING your article (7/3)
+HOW TO INTERVIEW SOMEONE for an article ? and THREE different ways you can report on what your subject said. HINT: Combining these three methods is the key to producing a saleable, interview-based article (7/4)
+How to offset your holiday costs, and even GET FREE TRIPS ABROAD, writing freelance travel articles (7/6)
+One key thing you MUST include to give your travel article the very best chance of publication (7/7)
+A travel-book publisher looking for freelance travel writers... RIGHT NOW! (7/7)
+How to make a GREAT SIDELINE INCOME writing reviews of anything and everything!! (7/11)
+A LITTLE-KNOWN but HIGH-PAYING MARKET which offers article writers the opportunity to cash in on their expertise ? month in, month out! (7/13)
+SEVEN GREAT TECHNIQUES for generating ideas for articles (7/15)
+How to write SHORT STORIES for CASH ? and the ONE type of story in great demand right now (8/1)
+The FIVE ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS of a saleable short story (8/2)
+SEVEN SECRETS of writing short story dialog ? and making it sound life-like! (8/5)
+How to make UP TO $10,000 (or more) entering and winning short story contests (8/12)
+The KEY DIFFERENCE between a successful magazine short story and a contest story ? unless you understand this, you may as well throw away your entry fee! (8/13)
+TWELVE GREAT METHODS for coming up with short story ideas. Never be left scratching your head wondering what to write about again! (8/14)
+How you can turn your sense of humor into a STEADY STREAM of PAYCHECKS! (9/1)
+SEVEN TYPES of JOKE ? and how to write them (9/1)
+How to SELL JOKES to comedians (9/4)

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